Strathallan Golf Club



Volunteers Day 25th February

New Volunteers welcome. Just call Geoff Myers on 0400 542 075 or just turn up!




Opening of the “new” 6th hole.



To celebrate the long awaited opening of this hole, we are holding a social golf afternoon.



Date Friday March 21, 2pm briefing with 2.30 shotgun start, followed by a sausage sizzle.


9 hole individual Stableford


Cash prizes to winner and place getters


Entry cost $15


Grounds volunteers and members have priority


Boarding sheet available from this Saturday and you can book spot with your $15 payment


Player numbers are capped at 36







9457 4734 or 0408 669 095
100 Main Drive Bundoora Vic
Melways Ref Map 19 J4

(see Contact page on this web site for detailed directions)